Asset inspectors are NYS DOL licensed in good standings. We have sought and obtained additional InterNACHI training and certifications that include:
Our knowledge and experience comes from over 35 years of commercial and residential property inspections and assessments, and construction estimating.
Asset Home Inspections Inc has recently expanded providing increased flexibility in scheduling, experience, expertise, and resources!
I have hands-on experience with the repair, replacement and installation of the major home systems and components, including roofs and drainage, windows, ceilings, walls, doors, decks, water heaters, furnaces, electrical wiring and systems, plumbing, and leaching fields.
Through my experience as an Environmental Consultant for property purchases, I am competent in the requirements and issues associated with cesspool systems, fuel oil storage tanks, indoor air quality, asbestos, drinking water quality, subsurface soil vapor, as well as others. I am a certified Qualified Environmental Professional, have a Bachelor of Science in Geology, and have majored in Architecture. I am an Affiliate Member of the Long Island Board of Realtors.
David's addition provides depth of service, expertise and experience with the various home components. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Architectural Technology, is President and Senior Technician of Pleasant Pools, and was a Construction Estimator for a prestigious Long Island construction firm, before coming aboard Asset. David has obtained supplemental home inspection home component certifications.